The award-winning animated short Pupper Paleolithic has come to Newgrounds!
But why now? Why not back in December, when I announced on Twitter that I would be making a sequel and possibly a series?
Because THIS version of it has something new: The first public release of a post-credits trailer for the upcoming episode!
Back in December there wasn't as much footage to cut into a trailer just yet. But now that the new episode is just a week away from completion, it's a great time to promote it.
And if you'd like to help, there's still time for you to join the "club" (heh heh) and have your name added to the credits. Head on over to to get in on that, or even just to follow me there for updates. I gotta say I'm pretty excited to be making animated cartoons that are 100% my own stuff and not fan-art or parody this time. It's somewhat unfamliar territory for an old bandwagon-hopping memelord like me, but that's all part of the fun. Who knows where this will take us?